Lucky for Anna Kooiman, Fox News and the Republican Party that their Base is stupid enough to lay blame for the shutdown – and closing of parks (WW2 Memorial) which they are 100% responsible for with 99.7% of them voting to do – not only on Democrats put specifically on President Obama because he loves Muslims and hates our Veterans. Obama has increased veteran benefits while Republicans cut them.
Then you have the mainstream media pretending it’s all equal – pox on all their houses – so they don’t lose any of their drugs for oldfarts advertising – which seems to be where cable news gets most of it’s revenue, reality bites the dust.
Perhaps we had it right in the 1950’s. At 5:30pm, the networks gave us 15 minutes of live news each weekday, which was non profit until Ted Turner gave us CNN in 1981. For profit news. Capitalist News. News for Money. Buying our News. Selling the News. News that people want to hear. Local News going national making everything seem worse than before when in reality it is all getting better.
Hemingway, here is the quoted material from the more than obvious satirical site National Report
“The Muslim community deserves our full acceptance and respect. We have killed millions of Muslims overseas since the September 11th attacks. They are not all bad. In fact most of them are good. So during this shutdown, now is a great time to learn about the faith of Islam. I encourage all of you to celebrate the Muslim community, the ‘Sunnah’ and the magic of the ‘Quran’. All of this can be found at the newly re-opened International Museum of Muslim Cultures.” Obama Uses Own Money To Open Muslim Museum Amid Government Shutdown
Here is the quote from Fox News & Friends Anna Kooiman
“It really doesn’t seem fair, especially—and we’re going to talk a little bit later in the show too about some things that are continuing to be funded. And President Obama has offered to pay out of his own pocket for the museum of Muslim culture out of his own pocket, yet it’s the Republican National Committee who’s paying for this.”