Forget free balloons for the kiddies,a Radio Shack owner in Hamilton, Montana knows how promote – in fact, he has tripled his business since last October! It’s simple,.just give the people what they want, and in Bitterroot Valley, they want guns! For that matter,in most of the U.S. they want guns, which leads me to wonder if there is another country on the planet where this advertising giveaway would be taken in stride.
The shopkeeper isn’t above planting a bit of fear in his ads, a technique which worked for the Bush administration. His sign, which people often stop to photograph, says "Protect yourself with Dish Network. Sign up now, get a free gun." The juxtaposition of satellite TV and guns as protection is lost on me, but there must be a subconscious connection. The gimmick is working better than anyone could have predicted.
The process couldn’t be easier. Sign a contract, purchase certain equipment, set up an installation date and congratulations! You are the proud owner of a Hi-Point .380 caliber handgun or a 20-gauge shotgun from Frontier Guns & Ammo as well as satellite TV, a life-enhancing combo for the entire family. If for some reason, you can’t pass the background check, you can have a $50 Pizza Hut gift card. Not much of a consolation prize when those so inclined could simply demand the pizza if only they had the gun.