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Frenzy on the Right, Garrison Keillor

The frenzy on the right is pure fear of stepping out of line with the Republican politburo and getting shipped to Siberia. This lockstep mentality is rare in American history. Here is a grand old party frozen, suspended, mesmerized, in thrall to a gaggle of showboats and radio entertainers and small mobs of fist-shakers standing staunch for unreality, and no Republican elected official dares say, “Let us not be nuts.” There will be books written about this in years to come, and they will not be kind to the likes of Rep. Boehner and Sen. McConnell. GARRISON KEILLOR, “The Old America is Fading,” Salon.com, Mar. 30, 2010

garrison keillorA friend sent me this. It surprised me that what Mr. Keillor said 3 years ago, holds even more true today. It just gets crazier and crazier. It's what a black guy as president can do some people. WHACKS THEM OUT .

You remember Karl Rove? He took $400 million bucks from rich people to lose the 2012 election with Muffins or whatever his name was.  And who has now begun a new PAC to try and keep the turkeys and clowns from winning Republican Primaries, which in the end hands elections over to Democrats?

Well just the other day he had this to say, “I think Rand Paul had it right. The more we examine the quality of these candidates from top to bottom, the more likely we end up with fewer Christine O'Donnells and more Rand Pauls.” Rand Paul is presently the top turkey clown in the Senate. Though Ted Cruz is nipping at his heels for that honored spot and with his Joe McCarthy immitation last week, is expected to surpass even the Senator from Kentucky who was not named his LIBERTARIAN father after his idol Ayn Rand.
