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Gallup Poll 38 percent of Americans claim to be Independents

The new Gallup poll asking party affiliation reads:

Republican – 29%
Democrat – 31%
Independent – 38%

What is most surprising is Democrats beating Republicans.
When Gallup uses the terms "conservative" and "liberal" it reads:

Conservative – 40%
Liberal – 20%
Moderate – 35%

Conservatives beat liberals two to one with the clueless running about the same. So whats with that?

Well first of all it is the success that Republicans have had demonizing the word "liberal" to be redefined from meaning "tolerant" and "altruist" to intolerant fascist NAZIS. All due to the billions spent and the networking of Right-wing activists to exaggerate "political correctness" so deeply into the mainstream that the term comes up literally thousands of times a day in the media now for 25 years. Kick! The PC Pages

But it is the other issue here that is so confusing. If over 30% of us for a many many years say we are moderates and Independents, then why even when they have independent candidates like Anderson and Perot to less than 10% of them vote when push comes to shove? 

For the most part moderates and Independents are Republicans who most always vote straight Republican tickets, but are embarrassed to admit what they are – even on the phone to strangers – because of the religious (social) intolerance inherent in the hillbilly factor of the Republican Base. We see this everyday looking at Sister Sarah Palin’s negatives. Most people – no matter their politics – do not want to publicly align themselves with hillbillies.

Of course there are Democrats who also refuse to admit what they are because they are embarrassed that the Democratic Party represents Blacks, Mexicans, Gays and uppity women. Hey, Republican women may not be the sharpest knives in the drawer, but they don’t cause trouble. They go along as God intended. But they do wear shoes, most of the time…