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George Zimmerman murdering artist vs Michael D’Antuono hateful artist

george zimmerman painting

Here we have the happy murderer and artist George Zimmerman holding his painting that he sold on eBay for $100,000.  All he did was take a copyrighted background and add 9 words with 4 colors. The money will go to George Zimmerman’s “Buy more guns for George Zimmerman Fund.”

Michael D’Antuono art on ebay

Here we have a painting by Michael D’Antuono which had gained $25,000 before eBay pulled it for being hateful. At the sales point Michael D’Antuono states that half the money will go to The Trayvon Martin Foundation.

“In my opinion, any policy that allows a murderer to profit from his crime, but deems art that speaks out against racial injustice and benefits it’s victims ‘hateful and discriminatory’ needs to be reevaluated,” Michael D’Antuono