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George Zimmerman: Off The Hook For Murder Thanks To NRA & Stand Your Ground Mark Fiore Animation

George Zimmerman: Off The Hook For Murder Thanks To NRA & ALEC   Mark Fiore Animation

Our ‘progressive’  ‘Stand Your Ground’ and ALEC  allows  you to kill someone if you “Kinda reasonably feel you might possibly could be in danger.” After this ground breaking case, you’re justified in shooting someone who is wearing a garment you don’t feel comfortable seeing. Maybe you saw a bad guy in a movie wearing a similar get-up, why take chances?   As in George Zimmerman’s case, this applies even if you created your own danger! Since their inception in 2005, seventy percent of shooters have killed and walked away based on these laws.

Be sure to listen to the audio which continues when the animation stops. It is the chilling call between between an armed Texas man Joe Horn, and a 911 operator in 2007. Horn saw two people breaking into his neighbor’s home. Despite a 911 operator urging Joe Horn not to confront the burglars, he did so, killing the unarmed Hispanic youths, although they were no threat to him.  At one point the operator tells Horn that property theft isn’t worth taking a human life. Joe Horn was judge, jury and executioner.
“I have a right to protect myself too, sir,” Horn told the 911 operator, from his home and in complete safety.  “The laws have been changed in this country.” Sadly, Horn is only one case. Over 200 others have utilized these laws, some with good reason, most not.

Trayvon Martin wasn’t stealing anything nor was he menacing anyone, his ‘crime’ was being in the wrong place at the wrong time.   Without a doubt Zimmerman would have followed the 911 operator’s instructions and stayed in his truck – if he had not been carrying a gun!   The coward defense attorneys made their client out to be would never approach a stranger unarmed, and why would he need to approach Martin in this situation?  Zimmerman had many options that didn’t include following Trayvon Martin.

Zimmerman’s decision to act while carrying a gun was a world apart from the actions he would have taken, had he not been carrying one.  Anyone who has carried a weapon must admit the effect it can have on a weak minded person, who is suddenly invincible  and unable or unwilling to consider other options.