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Global Warming: Praying and Dancing Texas Drought away, HBO VICE

Texas Drought: Is everyone in Texas as stupid as Brandon Fender? Pretty much…

Texas drought idiotsReminds me of the #bringourgirlsback hastag controversy. Republicans are standing in line to attack, demean, and laugh at women wasting their time twittering to gain awareness around the world for the kidnapped girls of Nigeria.

While the only thing Republicans do to deal with the fact of global warming is to waste their time praying and doing rain dances in the dry caked earth to appease their Gods.

Joad… Wherever you find a child knee deep in cowpies, wherever you find a town smelling of pigpoop, wherever there are more churches than bars you will find idiots on their knees praying instead of thinking.

And don’t kid yourself, it’s not just Texas or Dixieland, it is wherever there is more animal manure than education.