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God Hates Texas and Oklahoma for Gay Marriage Bigotry

God hates OklahomaThere you have it, Oklahoma City is the epicenter of this years’ flooding which along with 18 dead and counting in Texas, means God must really hate the most anti gay pro choice region in America.

We know God punishes us with not only floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes and even terrorism when he is angry, but he even gives children cancer for the bad things they do.

So on the buckle of the Bible Belt God is reeking his vengeance, even above and beyond the usual destruction he wails down tornado ally with the Fingers of God in the same red region of America. The people there must be doing something very wrong to phis God off this much. Other than all that white gravy on chicken fried steak, I can think of anything that binds the region together more so than thatred state right-wing NRA Christian Evangelical bigotry.

Here are just a very few examples of why we know this is true.

“This is because of God’s displeasure with gays and lesbians, pro-choice activists, and perversity.” Pat Robertson on Los Angeles 1994 Earthquake

“I really believe that the pagans and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularized America. I point the finger in their face and say, ‘you helped this happen.'” September 11, 2001

“God caused Hurricane Katrina to wipe out New Orleans because it had a gay pride parade the week before and was filled with sexual sin.” Megachurch Pastor John Haggee

Most recently Pam Olsen, founder of the Florida Prayer Network and one of Rick Perry’s campaign managers wrapped it up best explaining what God is about concerning marriage equality and the ordination of gay ministers and priests

“You know what, God is not one that is going to wink at sin, God is shaking. If anybody looks at the news and has just seen what’s been happening recently with the floods, the fires, the tornadoes, God is shaking. Yeah I think you have God shaking, sure you have the enemy shaking, you have both and I don’t want to say oh that’s the judgment of God or that’s the enemy. But the reality is God is judging us, and I think it’s going to get worse.”

Beyond all the guns and white gravy the biggest culture shock I had after moving down to Texas was watching all the local news coverage of tornadoes. There on the TV stand a couple in front of a large pile of rubble what was once there home.

Praise the Lord! It was frightening! It sounded like freight train! We lost the house, all we owned, both dogs and cousin Wilbur is still missing. We thank the Lord for not making it worse. It could have been worse.