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God's Diary Is Embarrassing: Was Never Meant To Be The Bible College Humor

College Humor: God's Diary found and embarrassing!  He went through an angry phase, it was never intended to become the Bible!

It never fails. Someone always finds  your most personal thoughts and dreams when you keep a diary or journal. Once found, it often raises questions, causes offense or prompts them to  laugh their asses off.   God is no different. His diary provides loads of laughs for the snoopy heavenly hosts, and his contradictory thoughts on punishment and law – were only that…He was just spit-balling, on thoughts so diverse as eating seafood and committing adultery.    As God told the assembled snoopers, “All of that judgmental angry stuff was only a phase.” After all, he reminds them,”I used to be kind of an angry deity, I almost made that man kill his only child.”    God grew out of that legalistic violent stuff! Unfortunately for humanity, the book slipped out of The Creator's hands…And into man's, and you know the rest of that story!