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Good Guys with Guns Okay Oklahoma!

Good Guys with Guns Okay Oklahoma!“That damn Obama he got Muslim all over our constitution, and I don’t need that Obamacare, I got Medicaid, and worse the Chinamen opened one of those sushi bars in town.” And there you have the WHO of not only Donald Trump fans, but the WHO of the GNP, The Great New Party.  It’s huge. It’s stupid. It’s White.

You know, we seldom give Michael Moore credit for much of anything, but long long ago he wrote a book that pops this giant zit on our collective ass, STUPID WHITE MEN.

Speaking of Michael Moore, through him we can already see one effect Donald Trump has had on our culture. Michael Moore appeared on Real Time with Bill Maher without wearing a baseball cap. The first time that I have ever seen him in either one of his movies or in an interview without his signature working class fashion statement. Months ago I too rounded up all the baseball caps in my house and dropped them off at one of the local gun stores/ranges.