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GOP Aide Elizabeth Lauten Quits After Snipe at Obama Girls

GOP Aide Who Sniped at Obama Daughters to 'Get Some Class' is Gone,Girl!

Elizabeth Lauten, former communications director for congressman Stephen Fincher,  quit her post on Monday, after she communicated herself out of a job.  Inspired by the White House turkey pardoning ceremony, Lauten inexplicably took to Facebook to pen a scathing criticism of 13-year-old Sasha and 16-year-old Malia. In short, Lauten told the girls to get some ‘class.’ From the lofty heights of her 31-years of classy experience, Lautin snarked  away at Sasha and Malia like a jealous schoolmate.  The internet, I’m pleased to say, replied in kind to the message which follows.

“Dear Sasha and Malia, I get you’re both in those awful teen years, but you’re a part of the First Family, try showing a little class. At least respect the part you play. Then again your mother and father don’t respect their positions very much, or the nation for that matter, so I’m guessing you’re coming up a little short in the ‘good role model’ department.”
It continued, “Nevertheless, stretch yourself. Rise to the occasion. Act like being in the White House matters to you. Dress like you deserve respect, not a spot at a bar. And certainly don’t make faces during televised public events.”


I guess she told them!  The response from Twitter and Facebook was fast and furious. In professional circles, it is an unwritten rule that the presidential children are to be left out of partisan nastiness. In public circles Facebook and Twitter exploded with criticism for the snarky 31-year-old, who – however well intentioned her advice,  should have stopped to remember her own “terrible teen years” before posting what amounted to cyber bullying.. There are no secrets online, and Lauter learned that it doesn’t pay to snipe at the President’s daughters for the crime of boredom, when your own background includes an arrest for misdemeanor larceny. No one has cared low these 14 years since her singular criminal exploit, but she – like Bill Cosby, found out it’s sometimes best to not call attention to oneself.

When our adviser to the White House was 17 in 2000, she was caught stealing from a department store in her North Carolina hometown. Perhaps she was snagging those pearls she so often wears. .

Lauten later penned an apology “After hours of prayer” but she doesn’t seem to be winning friends, and stepped down before she could be booted out.  But I think we’ve all learned something here.

1. Fashions do change in the span of  14 years.
2. If you’re shoplifting pearls, get the real ones.
3.. Do the “hours of prayer” part ‘before’ you go on the attack.
4.. A turkey pardoning may seem exciting to you, Ms Lauten, –  Oh never mind. We all know it doesn’t.