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GOP Debate Wrap-Up Funnies – Putin Fights, Outrageous Wage Claims, Seth Meyers – Video

GOP Debate Wrap-Up Funnies - Putin Fights, Outrageous Wage Claims,  Late Night with Seth Meyers - Video

Okay, I admit that I skipped the fourth Republican debate, certain that it would be predictable and boring – but, I was waiting for Seth Meyers to wrap it up with all of the factual stuff, none of the boring bits, and enough humor to turn the whole thing into painless and informative laugh therapy – and he did.

I didn’t even know there was such a thing as a ‘bear cube’ before this report, did you?  I think you’ll agree that while Japan is wasting the big cube which holds a human being while a bear rolls it around trying to get to the tasty bit inside, we could well use the thing in the political debate world.  Seth throws a couple of good examples out, and I think you’ll agree it could be efficacious – and entertaining.

All of your favorite GOP presidential wanna-be’s  did something worthy of satirizing, even if they weren’t allowed to speak much. The Fox Business Channel might have been overcautious in not wanting to step on toes to – um…er, moderate, leaving the job to a bell.
Obviously I’m not an expert, media sources declared the event was “a great debate that delivered” and “an elegant job.” In speaking of Fox Business Channel it was said,  “the candidates were very happy with you guys.”
The ‘media sources’ who raved were Fox news and Fox Business Channel, but I’ll bet you knew that.