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GOP gives up socialized health care in supposed solidarity with Americans

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The GOP has made it their "First order of business to repeal Obamacare." Mind you, they have always had the very best of care, it’s a perk of the job made even better by lobbyists from insurance companies.

While it won’t clarify matters, listen to Michele Bachmann explain why Obamacare is the "crown jewel of socialism," and must be banished! Bachmann feels so strongly about this that she is determined to repeal Obamacare, the Senate, and the President himself! Oh, and of course she will repeal her own primo federally funded health care as I assume Boehner and the rest of the GOP will in solidarity. This is their opportunity to banish socialized insurance forever!
Do not any of them understand that they must say the same thing about Medicare? Or more importantly, doesn’t the entire AARP crowd understand they must believe the same thing about Medicare?

What’s that? No, they’re not going to drop their own insurance, not even Bachmann? Frankly, I’m beginning to question her loyalty to ‘the cause.’