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GOP Loves Putin, Benghazi, Obama Budget Jimmy Fallon monologue

 GOP Loves Putin, Benghazi, Obama Budget, Boehner's Pot Inspector Job Jimmy Fallon monologue

Jimmy Fallon’s Tonight Show monologue covered all of the good things that happened this – the first full week of March!  Sigh…I suppose Jimmy had to mention the Republican reaction to President Obama’s proposed budget. Here’s news from the D.C. water cooler. The ‘twins’ Lindsey Graham and John McCain blame the Russian bru-ha-ha on…Benghazi!  Why not? They blame volcanic eruptions, bed bug outbreaks and those little floaters in your eyes on Benghazi too! There were good things that happened…There is an official pot taster in Washington D.C. we suspect John Boehner used his influence to get to the head of the line…Blame Benghazi.

In an interview with Andrea Mitchell, John McCain said the crisis in Ukraine resembles geopolitical factors at play when Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin led Germany and Russia.
Earlier in the week McCaine said “Ukraine is the “crown jewel” of the empire Putin is planning to build, and the Crimean crisis is a result of Obama’s ‘Feckless’ foreign policy.’ So said the man who never met a war he didn’t like. This time, I am counting on a reverse draft, where older hawks are the first to be called up. We may see peace in our time.