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Gun Enthusiast Leslie Merritt Jr arrested as Phoenix Highway shooter

Phenoix highway shooter Leslie Merritt Jr arrested21 year old Phoenix gun enthusiast and landscaper Leslie Merritt Jr pictured here along with the bumber sticker on his car, was arrested by a swat team in a Walmart last night for connection with at least four shooting of vehicles on I10.  The gun – which ballistic tests show was used in the shootings – was found in a local pawn shop which Leslie Merritt Jr had bought there and then pawned a few days ago. Gun enthusiasts are not the smartest guns in the rack.

But they have the wrong man says his father Leslie Merritt Sr. – also a gun enthusiast with prior weapon violations – who blames it all on someone lying to get the $50,000 reward.

“He has way too much value for human life to even take the slightest or remotest risk of actually injuring someone. He has been raised with too much respect for life and too much for firearms.” Leslie Merritt Sr said of his son.

But then there is this on the Facebook page the father says is his son’s page.

“Don’t ever think that the reason I am peaceful is because I forgot how to be violent!” Just some of the pro gun anti government crap on Leslie Merritt Jr Facebook page.

Oh, after arresting the white guy for what will soon come under purview of domestic terrorism, Phoenix police released Hispanic Oscar de la Torre Munoz who they had in jail for the crime with no proof at all.

Muslims kill about 2 Americans a year.
Gun enthusiasts kill about 10,000 Americans a year.