If you can watch this Newtown father testify without tearing up yer probably in the NRA.
This regular guy makes a very strong point that not only gun enthusiasts fail to see, but the 5 Republicans on the Supreme court sorely ignored in Heller. The first three words of the 2nd Amendment. “WELL REGULATED militia.” Gosh.
I happened on this Newtown father video at a gun enthusiast site with quite a few comments, most were so disgusting I teared up in embarrassment for being an American. I was going to post some of the attacks on this poor man but found this video below which does it in a more entertaining manner. Here are some of the lighter comments to Mr. Helsin from gun enthusiasts at what I assume is a mainstream news site. On the gun enthusiast websites it is worse than promography. Why do we allow these crapbags to write our laws?