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The photo of Gun nut James Holmes kills 12, wounds 38 in Aurora Colorado Theater

james holmes colorado shooter photo

24 year old James Holmes. He is cool because he had lots of guns.  Cool people have lots of guns. All these instances have only one thing in common. GUN NUTS.  Who are too cool to disparage in any effective manner at all.  Oh, Cool and American. Cool Americans carry guns. Like George Zimmerman! Now you can’t get much cooler than George Zimmerman.  Wealthy NRA members are going to give millions of dollars to George because he is so cool.  After all, he shot an unarmed Negro. When’s the parade?

Well the answer to this one is more than obvious. We have to hand out handguns and rifles to all theater goers as the enter the building. Well, that would be the perfect solution, but expensive. Reality dictates that after we hurry up and pass laws to carry guns into movie theaters. And of course have the NRA advocate that more people purchase and carry more, bigger, faster and larger capacity handguns, assault rifles and surface to air missiles… For the drones.  Where is the NRA on shooting down drones?  Come on guys, get with the program.  Shooting is  the answer.

54% of Americans believe we have too many restrictive gun laws.  20 years ago that was about 10%.  What has happened in the past 20 years? Cable News pushing fear for share. And who pushes the most fear has the highest share and makes the most money.  Fox News wins!  Which is not so bad in itself, it is that the rest of the media is scared to death of them.