Pull off your straight jacket and put on your flack jacket!
Have you been turned down by other guns store for mental issues? Did they not like the swastika carved into your forehead or the flame tattoos around you eyes? Like Ted Nugent did you pee and poop your pants at the counter? Once in the store did you talk too much about who you were going to shoot? Or are you just a good old boy with ass burgers? If so, get on down to Biff’s Pistol Healing Emporium where they sell guns to anyone 24 hours a day.
Last night, Frontline did in the NRA. No wonder Republicans hate PBS so much. They sometimes come right out and say things the GOP does not like hearing! Without first sending it through the network “share” department to make sure it is soft enough they will not lose even one single viewer to Fox News. Gunned Down: The Power of the NRA.