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Guns, God and Rock & Roll, by Ted Nugent book review

Ted Nugent Ugly American

Residents of homes where a gun is present are 5 times more likely to experience a suicide and 3 times more likely to experience a homicide than residents of homes without guns.


“We search everyone coming to my concerts and if they don’t have a gun we give them one.” Right-wing NRA Rock star Ted Nugent

From his best selling book I most enjoyed Mr. Nugent’s rationalization for machine-gunning down cats and dogs on his property. He is personally saving us all from a national epidemic of distemper and rabies! That was one of the lesser issues covered, the five central themes in Nugent’s horribly written book are:

1) What a perfect, wonderful, smart, well read, God loving, patriotic, white, husband, father, musician, celebrity, and human being Ted Nugent is.

2) Only sub-human morons would ever allow drugs or alcohol to jeopardize their ability to instantly get into the defensive attack stance to shoot it out for their lives at any moment.

3) Only sub-human Marxists, socialists, and wimps would ever go out of the house without at least one fully loaded gun.

4) All problems stem from those geographical urban areas he calls “Planet of the Apes.”

5) You should immediately purchase Ted Nugent’s newsletter for your children.

There was one really insane point made in this book. In the preface he rants against Janet Reno, the Bradys, and gun control groups vehemently claiming everything they say are lies. He claims everything said against the NRA and gun ownership are lies based upon even more lies. He specifically charges that one of the biggest lies is that having a gun in the house causes more gun deaths than not having a gun in the house.

Not much later in the book he tells the story of his father driving up to a deer hunt when an unloaded rifle went off in the back seat barely missing him. A couple chapters further on he tells of how as a twelve year old playing with an unloaded rifle in his parents house, it went off and fired a round through a few walls but luckily no one was hurt. And later still he relates a more recent story about how his five year old was playing with his toy soldiers on the LOCKED gun cabinet, which contained all Nugent’s UNLOADED guns, when one of them fell out of the cabinet and fired through a few walls luckily missing the child and the the people at the party in the room below.

Nugent is about the most irrational human being I have ever come across. Who would publish this bilge? Regnery Press.

Blast from the past 2003