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Gunshop Owner Johnny Dury Explains to NPR the Run on Guns and Ammo

"Those who really really want a gun, are the very ones who really, really shouldn’t be allowed to have one." Rack Jite

Just this Tuesday night down here in Houston we had four separate shootings, four killed and four wounded. In the last few weeks in America we have had more than 50 people killed by gun wielding maniacs. In 30 states people can buy assault rifles at gun shows no questions asked. Since a Black dude became president gun sales are up as much as 46% while people buy lifetime supplies of ammunition.

Though the guns and ammo are being bought mostly by Cripps, Bloods, MS13, Mexican drug Lords, wingnut militias, religious fundamentalists, street drug dealers, racists, white trash and above all mentally disabled asocial loners with an ax to grind, thanks to the NRA we only hear about grandmothers and kindergarten teachers on the buy. You betcha!

President Obama and the Democrats are on the run from America’s foremost Right-wing lobby, the NRA. They are scared to death of the power the NRA – a vast minority – has to make enough noise to change election results. 

Our last killing spree was in New York where a gunman was upset over recently losing his job.  

Here in Dumbutt this month the Texas State Senate passed legislation 31 to 0 to allow employees to keep loaded handguns and assault rifles in their cars and pickup trucks in company owned parking lots.

Here in Texas we want to insure that disgruntled employees do not have to drive all the way home to access their arsenals. After they get a pink slip they will only have to jog out to the parking lot to get their guns to shoot the bastards who fired them. [And that creepy computer guy they never liked and that chick who laughed at them when they asked for a date] It’s a facilitation law, a time saver. Texas State Senate Votes for Loaded guns in Employer Parking Lots

24% of Americans hate President Obama so much they feel the need for a lifetime supply of ammunition to use against OUR TROOPS after Obama and the Democrats turn their beloved country into a totalitarian socialist state.

The best explanation for all this – which you really should take the time to listen to –  was done on All Things Considered the other day. An NPR audio interview with Texas gun shop owner Johnny Dury.

This was also recently explained by the Republican Party’s newest intellectual spokesman Joe Whistlenutcakes. Joe the Plumber Video Interview with Bill Maher.

The issue that drives this twaddle is that IT IS JUST PLAIN WRONG for the government to use tax money to help OTHERS who have become unemployed, whose children go hungry, families become homeless or are lazy MOFOS. [The Lazy Mofos seems to be the driving force in all this] 

Who says that paying taxes to help others in trouble IS JUST PLAIN WRONG? Jesus Christ? George Washington? Where does that crap come from?

Answer: Ayn Rand, The Cato Institute, The Libertarian Party, the GOP platform and the lower levels of Hell.

Those who claim that paying taxes to help others is deserving of armed rebellion also seem to wear their Christianity on their… FOREHEADS!

Which all seems to point to something amiss in all this. Something that the present  administration, congress and the media are afraid to say.

For surely these 24% of blue collar salt of the Earth working class Americans are not sitting around in their bunkers discussing the intellectual pros and cons of John Galt and Randian economic anarchy.

No, it is far simpler than that. This 24% of gun crazy NRA Americans do not want a penny of their tax money going to support any damn ______!  You Betcha!

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