BTW, Nick Anderson is the political cartoonist for the Houston Chronicle which is a conservative lite paper. So lots of Texan’s hate Nick Anderson very very much.
Pictured above are my neighbors. On all sides. What’s missing is the Bible on a mantel or pedestal between the guns that is open to that page that says, ONLY THROUGH ME SHALL YOU NEVER DIE AND ENTER THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. I nice tart FUKYOU to any Jews that happen in to the house. Though not many do.
When we think of all the talk of Texas turning purple, keep in mind that only concerns the growing population of Hispanics. The only purple you will find in White Texans is the color their faces turn when they hear the word OBAMA.
We don’t need no education. Teacher Teacher leave those kids alone... Texas has guns to even that out. This is no place for smart people with their smarty heads, their smartly little mouths and smartypants, smart people have no reason to live, in Texas. But hey, we grade on a curve down here. So if you feel stupid up their in Minnesota or Connecticut, come on down to Texas and become a genius in a day.
So the Coca Cola Super Bowl ad with so many non WHITE Americans with funny sounding names singing America The Beautiful in their native tongues sure showed us what Fox News, Talk Radio, the Tea Party and Republicans think about immigration, not to even mention the Cheerios ad. Imagine if Coca Cola had decided to use the Star Spangled Banner instead of America the Beautiful? The guns would have come out. Which is what the guns are for. Well that and to get on par to shoot our troops and our police, you know, THE GOVMINT.