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HBO: Questioning Darwin, Creationists Make Fools of Selves. Video NSForEars

HBO: Questioning Darwin, Creationists Make Fools of Selves. Video NSForEars by CultofDusty Were any of you lucky enough to see the HBO documentary on the topic of Creationism called “Questioning Darwin”? ‘Cult of Dusty’ or perhaps more aptly named, – Dusty, Berserker for Logic invites you to “Bask in the glory of some of the dumbest people ever caught on film.”  You’ll want to adjust your sound, as Dusty tends to get um…Passionate when discussing people who are using only small segments of their God-given brains.

Riding high, after his debate with Bill Nye, Ken Ham weighs in with his fantasies which include the great, monstrous ‘vegetarian’ animals which existed peacefully with Adam, Eve, the kids and the Flintstones and the Rubbles next door.

There were some moments of the HBO special which I felt were particularly enlightening. One woman who speaks frequently in the film, makes an invitation – albeit a late one.
“I would like to encourage Mr. Darwin and others that think just like him to try God and see the transformation for themselves.”

It’s obvious that she – and quite possibly others know nothing of Darwin, who originally set his sites on  becoming a clergyman. While at Cambridge earning his B.A., he grew fascinated with science and natural history. When Darwin embarked on the Beagle, he was a believer in divine design, and was looking for scientific evidence to prove the theories of William Paley.

It would surprise most Creationists to learn that Darwin did not deny the existance of God, and felt the label Agnostic fit him, rather than Atheist. He stated “Science has nothing to do with Christ, except insofar as the habit of scientific research makes a man cautious in admitting evidence. For myself, I do not believe that there ever has been any revelation. As for a future life, every man must judge for himself between conflicting vague probabilities.”

Smuggity smug smug, a preacher from the bustling town of Selah,Washington (think BIG fish in a swampy small pond) presumes everyone buys into the literal creation myth, when he claims:  “God made us in his image and so to say that man is an animal and God created man in his own image, so does one come back and say, ‘are you saying God is nothing more than an animal?’” I’ve got this one, Dusty!   Listen Mister…I know a lot of very fine ‘animals’ and not a few human beings who aren’t fit to pick the burrs from their coats. If you’re looking for a reflection of God’s unconditional love, you don’t have to look further than a pet…Or an ‘animal’ of God’s creation.It would be truly catty of me to suggest that at times parrots resemble the human beings who seem to be stuck repeating a loop they’ve been taught, with little thought or reasoning.

It’s just possible that the Bible is less literal than non-scholars like these folks believe. They’ve certainly done themselves a disservice with the HBO special.
Case in point: Pastor Schofield, sporting a shiny, hairless pate, chose a scripture to emphasize God’s intimate knowledge of his children, stating,” He knows the number of hairs upon my head.”  Irony – anyone? How about snickers, giggles or guffaws. We’re only laughing AT you if you didn’t invite the comparison pastor…Otherwise we’re laughing with you.  Lighten up, and let the sunshine, and a few facts in, whydoncha?