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Hilarious Apple Watch Parody

Hilarious Apple Watch Parody

Do you hear the buzz? It’s the Apple Watch roll out! Once you’ve seen this mock ad by comedian Jack Douglas, you’ll throw your stylish Google glasses to the floor, grind them to shards and spit on them! Hmm…Maybe Apple had to create a watch, because Google beat them to glasses? Watch for Google earrings and Apple iTies next year.

Sure, you can share your photos with others via your iPhone (yawn)- but wait until your friends see them all displayed at once on a one inch screen – and such resolution! Never has it been so easy to send emojis and little tiny d*ck pics from the comfort of your wrist!  Think of the possibilities – at work, at school, while driving or on a date. People will just think you’re obsessed with punctuality.  Using keen eyesight and tiny pincer-like fingers (borrow a child) you control the multitude of functions via the watch stem.

Oh, and this is exciting. No more fumbling with passe’ plastic. From now on, your watch is the credit card!  All of your financial information is conveniently stored within your watch…If there is anything hackers appreciate it is simplicity.  I’ve prattled on and I haven’t mentioned half of the wonderful features Apple has packed into this timepiece…It is a timepiece, isn’t it?

 “Ya didn’t really ask for it, so here ya go.” Apple