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Hitler Pizza Delivery and the Rolling Stones, FOD

pizza hitlerTelegram. So who gets that joke anymore? Please watch to very end, that’s where the joke is. If Hitler says it, its okay.

Reminds me. As a Rolling Stones fan who always goes to see them when they come to town, I was saddened for most of 20 years because they could no longer do one of my favorites, Sympathy for the Devil.  It did get some bad press from the Right about Mick Jagger glorifying the Devil, but any art bypasses such people.

No, it was not that, it was that in 1969, at a concert at the Cow Palace they did the song and people tore their seats up out of the cement in wild abandonment. A few months later at Altamont, a man was stabbed to death in the front row by Hell’s Angels during the song. It’s the jungle drums that does it. So for more than 20 years they shelved the song. They have been doing it again over the past ten years or so, their audience is too old to go wild. Well except for me! I crumbled up a paper beer cup and threw it in the air! And almost got arrested.