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The horror of High on Ladders, an FOD PSA

high on laddersHigh on ladders, the great and grand double entendre! This is my kind of humor, the sillier the better. Could of used a little more slapstick. I like a blend of Monty Python and the Three Stooges.

In all seriousness, be always alert on a ladder. And remember, as they forgot to mention in this video, do not stand on that paint holding tray up at the very top.

And of course never walk under a ladder.  It’s not about superstition, it’s about the real and present danger of a person or a pail of paint falling on your head.

Perhaps we need a ladder registration law to go with Fox News & Friends Elisabeth Hasselbeck suggestion that  the federal government monitor how many hours we play video games. It’s for the children. Ladders bad, guns good.