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Houston Chronicle Henry .44 with Bible Ad

Those who really really want a gun, are the very ones who really, really shouldn’t be allowed to have one.

Last week it was a half page advertisement for a 50 round drum magazine Thompson .45 semi-automatic machine gun. This week we have a classic. A big 12 inch by 6 inch ad for a Henry lever action .44, recommended with the Holy Bible no less. The two are interchangeable here in the United States of Duh.

Gun sales have gone up 40% since the negro was elected President. Do you have to wonder how many of those Tea Party people were armed and more concerned with negros than taxes?

Some of our reddest regions are reporting being sold out of ammunition. Democrats are fingering the Obama Administration to lay off any and all gun control legislation.

Polls show that a majority of Americans want more handguns, assault rifles, with larger magazines and cop killing bullets on the streets, in their cars – and believe it or not – in their bars! No limits on buying hundreds of assault rifles at a time, no rules at gun shows on buying anything by anyone.

Here in Texas we want guns on college campuses and in churches. In Tennessee the Governor had to veto a new law allowing guns in bars. Even Matt Dillon and Kitty didn’t stand for that much crazy gungoonery over a hundred years ago. 


Other than a few doctors, cops, soldiers, students, postal workers or those out to dinner now and then, reading between these giant weapon ads in the Chronicle are those short crime articles – often as many as half a dozen a day – of shootings in and around Houston. On both ends of the bullets they are all either Julio or Jerome. Eventually they will shoot themselves out of existence. Is that the plan?   NRA Gungoonery Pages