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Houston Chronicle Letters All in Favor of Photo ID

The top line of today’s Letters to the Editor in the Houston Chronicle reads:

All in favor of photo IDs.

Adamantly! Tenaciously! Obstinantely! Stupidly!

In all four of these letters one can see that here in Dumbutt, Texas not much thinking goes on at or off The Range.

On a related story, yesterday a man sitting his chair at a KOA campground suddenly went cold as an AR-15 round slammed into his stomach ending his day and life. Again an AR-15 assault rifle from a loud and often used makeshift gun range bordering on the campground. Good place for a range! Lot’s of thought went into that as it was being used for years without anyone thinking to complain.

Back to the letters. Though are ofthem are full of what we now call nativism a few paragraphs jumped off the page at me.

"I’d go a step further . Voters should be given a test to make sure they understand the issues. A small number of informed voters will result in better electoral decisions…" Mike Beck

Wow hey! Voting Rights Act of 1964 out the window. And an even smaller pool of voters than we already have. Like only landowners or those who know Ronald Reagan’s birthday?

And this one takes my breath away.

"… illegal aliens or any other mammal the Democrats can find. It is amazing to me that anyone with the least a bit of sense would find a problem with this unless its puts a kink into whats been going on for years that keeps these people in office, especially in certain parts of city or state they represent." Carol S. Leonard

Now if you are from someplace where it may snow on occasion and don’t know what "these people" means, you also probably think a black man can become the President.

Of course all these Dumbuttians will not accept the fact that voter "ID" fraud is so rare it matters not a wit to our election process. Rather it is all about further reducing the vote of the old, the poor, and the funny colored and funny named, who tend to not vote Republican.

Suppressing the vote is the best shot Republicans have of winning this November.