Very well thank you very much!
This past July Rush Limbaugh signed a $400 million 8 year contract. I would guess that means Clear Channel Communications is expecting an 8 year term for Barack Obama. Conservatives are mad. They are also angry and even though advertising revenues are down for all of radio, the intensity of these listeners is stronger than ever before. They have lost everything. Well other than Antonin Benito Scalia and Clarence Slappy Thomas in control of the once Supreme court…
The overall theme of the three hours each day has changed little over the years. It is still dominated by various instances of political correctness concerning liberal socialists, environmental whackos and the Driveby Media which define them all as Intolerant Nazi Fascists. The dominate theme of the show, BELIEVE IT OR NOT, is still the lies of Global Warming, Climate Change, wind power, solar power and that the entire environmentalist movement is run by socialists who only want to destroy capitalism and America.
Limbaugh is still the spokesman for conservative family values here in America; three marriages, three divorces, no children, and a morphine addict who takes so much joy in making fun of the sick, the homeless, the poor, and the dead. Character Matters!
There seems to be only two new aspects to the show. First is the saturation of the words socialist and socialism whenever the word Obama comes up.
Secondly is Limbaugh pushing his conspiracy theory [much like the one he made up about Hillary Clinton murdering Vince Foster] that Senator Chuck Schumer and Barack Obama created this economic disaster in order to steal the election from John McCain. It soon got out of their control and they could no longer contain it even with the help of co conspirators Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. Of course Limbaugh also blames the UAW, all unions, the Mayor of Detroit and Hillary Clinton for the recession. We also learn that the only answer to our woes is to RUSH back to unregulated free markets and not only reduce, but eliminate taxes on corporations and the wealthy.
And his audience just loves him. It is not Rush Limbuagh who is the problem in all this, he is only following the money, it is the disgusting dregs of humanity who listen to his crap that are the danger to all of us. Everything you need to know about Rush Limbaugh