This question first came up a few months ago when I heard Hillary’s Pants Suit Minions from the primaries were going to move over and vote for John McCain. White Women were going to abandon all that Hillary Clinton stood for, forget their liberal issues, reverse their party affiliations and vote against their own self interest because they were angry that the Obama campaign and the media treated Hillary poorly. How stupid is that? Or was the media just putting us on?
Now John McCain has chosen Sarah Palin as a running mate. A political clone of right-wing reactionary Phyllis Schlafly, a gun toting rabid Pro Life religious creation science airhead who plays well at NRA meetings and trailer parks. The polls today say 20% of white women have moved to McCain. How stupid is that? Or is the media just putting us on again?
A Black Woman named Oprah Winfrey – who enjoys the largest audience of White Women on television – has refused to have Sarah Palin on her show because The Poprah knows she is a reactionary right-wing nitwit who is more clown than candidate, Oprah wisely wants nothing to do with her. I am like a Black Woman! Opray Winfrey did not become the most powerful woman in America because she is stupid.
Which all brings is back to the burning question, just how stupid are White Women anyway?
a) Not stupid at all, the media is just putting us on. (The wishful thinking answer)
b) No more stupid that White Men. (My answer)
c) Stupid
d) Very Stupid (The answer for White Men who never want to get laid again)
This picture of Sarah Palin had no accompanying text with it so we have to assume she is praying to shoot and kill another polar bear so she can wear two kill logos on her jacket.