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I are working on my GED

sarah palin 2012

I have a thing about political correctness. I believe – strike that – I know that political correctness has been the primary driving force for the rise of America’s conservative hegemony over the past generation. It is what drives the less educated working class to stand tall against their own self interest to vote for rich Bankers who charge them 35% interest and want them either to shoot themselves out of existence or spend their lives in jail. The PC chapter at Kick!

So with that said no apologies to the less than smart reading this.

Conservative New York Times columnist David Brooks this week wrote an interesting column explaining that our political strife is not derived from left/right, red/blue or rural/urban but educated versus uneducated. The Tea Party Teens.

Republican elitist Brooks makes a very good case for this with his examples of being on opposite sides regarding abortion, global warming, public option, gun control and foreign policy. I would like to also add to the mix evolution, angels, multiculturalism and meth.   

An example of this popped up today in the Houston Chronicle. Down here in Dumbutt Governor Rick Perry has denied our educational system most of a billion dollars because he does not want Texas education federalized. Schools want Perry to seek grant money

On the surface this is mostly about nationalized testing which would put Texas education at the 50th worst state rather than hover somewhere in the 40s. But digging a bit deeper we find it has its roots in the lie of of evolution, the hoax of climate change, forcing our kids to pray no matter what the constitution has to say about it, and that non whites have no business being in Texas history books.

The only other state to deny their children this big chunk of federal education money is of course Alaska. The bigger they are the harder they fail.

If you have any doubts I remind you…

41% of Americans see the Tea Baggers in a positive light.

American polls show Glenn Beck beats out the Pope as the 4th most respected man in the world! IN THE WORLD MIND YOU!

Americans say Sarah Palin is the most respected woman in the world (tied with Hillary Clinton).

Americans voted for a president who was a KNOWN MORON twice in a row this past decade. 

Reality TV!