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If my Uterus was a Gun, Lauren Mayer

lauren mayer It seems when it comes to actual liberty and freedom, Republicans are only on board when it comes to guns or their back pockets.

In fact most African Americans males should now be on board with the GOP on the gun issue. Since the Zimmerman acquittal every able bodied black man 16 and above should get a hand gun TODAY.  As African Americans have less income than whites, perhaps it is time to subsidize gun purchases to black men.  I am sure the NRA would back this idea, for it would sell about 10 million guns in just  a few days. And gun sales are all that matters to the NRA. And once there are 10 million NEW black men with guns, all the more reason for everyone else to be shaking in their boots. 10 million! Gosh we will need 200 round clips for our assault rifles. Maybe cannons…  I was once a cannon guy.  I can tell you, cannons are fun.  The Earth shakes TWICE!  Once at the start and once at the end. And direct fire with a 8″ you can see it go!  That is cool.