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Immigration Reform retreat by GOP, Toles cartoon

gop backs away immigration

Boston terrorism has caused the Republican Party to retreat from Immigration Reform. A kick in the pants to 70% of Americans. At the least it looks like a stall to shore up the walls and and keep Muslims out.  This after the GOP gave 88% of Americans a kick in the nuts over background checks.  The Republican leaders got together in Los Angeles a week ago to double down against equal rights for gays on the marriage question. A kick in the speedos of 55% of Americans.  Rand Paul on of their hopes for then New GOP is up front is stalling immigration. And just the other day we find that wealthy had another banner year of a rise in worth and income while 93% of Americans had their worth and income go down. Seems the hand ringing over the lost election is over.

The problem is they have enough money from the very wealthy, enough votes from the very stupid and enough apathy from the rest of America to keep on going and going and going. They understand that their problem is only temporary, as soon as the jobs and economy get back on track, they will have their renaissance..