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Are Internet Trolls Jerks in Real Life?

 Are Internet Trolls Jerks in Real Life?

If you’ve spent any time on the Internet, you’ve probably run into trolls. They’re particularly fond of forums and newsgroups, but they can be found anywhere that they can get their manipulative and sadistic jollies. Trolls take pleasure in derailing meaningful conversations with hurtful and/or meaningless comments and full-fledged flame wars…And often that is the least trouble they cause.

Do you wonder what trolls do offline? One wonders if they ever are offline! Researchers seem to feel that they stay out of trouble in real life by getting their ya ya’s out online. Heaven help us if their electronic umbilical connection is severed.

Research shows that trolls only constitute a very loud 5% of internet users – and you’d be hard pressed to put a face on them.   A vicious troll can appear to be a caring, concerned grandmotherly type, or a professional man…But behind the mask is a mass of controlling, contriving sickness.   While they may initially seem charming, they are self concerned, callous, lacking empathy and they truly enjoy seeing others in distress…That’s why it’s so much fun for them to cause it! They often log in countless hours keeping fires going on several sites. The mystery to me is when do they do ordinary things like buy groceries, vacuum, watch TV or take a shower?

Researches have found commonalities in their personality types. They possess the Dark Tetrad: Machiavellian tendencies, psychopathy, sadism and narcissism – what a load of nasty!  Now that you recognize them, the old advice still is the best; just don’t feed the trolls!