“The federal government has gotten out of control and is threatening the basic civil liberties of Americans,” so say 90% of Republicans and 68% of Democrats from a nationwide poll over two years ago. Imagine what the are numbers today with a Black President just in Texas alone. Now add about 100 million more guns to that equation.
I would not be surprised if there are now as many people per capita in the South accepting that premise as there were in 1861. Which also makes me wonder if there is a connection between slavery, racism, treason, losing a war and Evangelical Christianity, the religion of sore losers.
“Government is not the solution to our problems, government is the problem.” President Ronald Reagan in his first inaugural address January 20 1981
For the umpteenth time I have to remind everyone. This ever growing hatred of the United States government is fully on the back of our best loved and worst president in American history, actor Ronald Reagan, to become the central political rally cry of Republicans now going into a second generation. Six years ago becoming even more radical with the advent of the Tea Party a month after we elected our first black president.
The same date, Januray 20, 1981 is also the day both evangelical Christianity began to take over the Republican Party and America’s wealth began to be distributed upward toward the wealthy causing America to now have the greatest disparity of wealth in the world. Which is far more the cause of what happened in Baltimore than just another unarmed black man shot down by police.