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Janeane Garofalo Ambushed By Fox News Calls Tea Parties racist

The vast majority of these Tea Party wing-nuts are racists. Many loudly so but because it cannot be proven in the absolute the mainstream media cannot tell the truth. They are afraid of Fox, Rush Limbaugh and racists not watching their advertising. Hey media, these people are not watching your channels anyway! They are wingnuts.

Socialism is going to be the central theme of the GOP for quite some time to come. They don’t call for us to rid ourselves of our present socialism of Social Security, Medicade, Military, policemen, fireman, roads etc… Garofalo is right on this no matter how loudly they deny it. What this tea party wingnuts and the Republican Party call Socialism is giving white money to black people. That’s the real bottom line in all this is, which is also the reason we are the only nation on Earth without some form of universal health care. Socialism is White money going to Black People. Kick on Race