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Jeb Bush on Refugees “You Can Prove You’re A Christian.”

Jeb Bush on Refugees  "You Can Prove You're A Christian."

Jeb Bush fell into a game of ‘Stump the Candidate’ today when he expounded on the virtues of keeping all but Christian refugees out of the country. His reasoning is simple –  “There are no Christian terrorists in the Middle East, they’re persecuted,” he reasoned.  Unlike some who would refuse entry to any refugees, Bush allowed that some should be let in. Bush said, “at minimum we ought to be bringing in people that have – orphans or people who clearly aren’t going to be terrorists – or Christians.”   

A reporter threw a grenade in Bush’s theory by asking what Christian refugees would “actually look like.” This is when Bush’s face became the illustration that should be beside the word “stumped” in the dictionary.
“Well, you’re a Christian, I mean, you can prove you’re a Christian,” Bush responded.
“How?” a reporter interjected.
“I think you can prove it,” Bush shrugged. “If you can’t prove it, you know, you err on the side of caution.”

The GOP candidate added that Christians in Islamic State-controlled territory were being persecuted, and that all refugees should be thoroughly vetted.
Get your Christian ID now, and avoid the rush.

It probably wasn’t the moment to question Bush about some of our own so-called Christian terrorists, like the anti-abortion enthusiasts who shot doctors. One of the doctors ironically, was shot and killed during the Sunday sermon.