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Jesus the God of assholes and idiots

Jesus the God of assholes and idiots

Jesus the God of assholes and idiots

“Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”  Matthew 19:23-26  – Jesus Christ in all Bibles in all translations as words attributed to Jesus himself.

“Again I tell you, the rich man and his camel laden with gold shall stick needles in the eyes of the poor as he enters the kingdom of God.” Paul Ryan 16:23 from the American Free Market New Testament, Ayn Rand translation.

The Republican Party is made up primarily of assholes and idiots.

Which is the underlying truth of America’s political system.

Donald Trump and the GOP are not at war with The Media, they are at war with the truth. With both wars working very well for them. Assholes and Idiots.