Musical kvetching by a suburban Jewish mom, who says “If there’s a ‘War on Christmas,’ it’s winning!”
Everyone’s Jewish mother Lauren Mayer is singin’ the blues, because it’s a confusing if not lonely time of year to be one of the six million Jewish people in the United States. It’s not a happy holly day if you’re a Buddhist, agnostic, an atheist or if you subscribe to Confucianism either. This time of year is celebrated differently if you’re a Druid, not at all if you’re a Hindu, Jehovah’s Witness, Muslim, Shintoist, Sikh, Taoist a Zoroastrian or a Wiccan. If elected, Donald Trump promises to make it a law – ( punishable by jail?) to say ‘happy holidays’ instead of Merry Christmas.
Are we nuts? We’re certainly ignorant in certain sectors, 57% percent of Republicans want to make Christianity the ‘official’ religion of the country,( I suspect the other 43% think it already is). The Sarah Palins of the world think the Founding Fathers were Christians. They believe the country is Christian, and they were also absent the day the class read the chapter on religious freedom.