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Joe Horn, NRA, Racism and non violence

A little more than two years ago Joe Horn – who lives just up the road from me a piece – shot and killed a couple suspected burglars running away from his neighbor’s home. It was a bright sunny day, there is a record of his 911 call and the facts are clear as a police officer witnessed it all. Texas Hero Joe Horn Shoots 2 Unarmed Black Men in the Back

Horn shot two unarmed black men in the back with a 12 gauge shotgun from 10 feet away. Harris County (Houston) refuses to release the autopsy of the suspect shot twice, once in the back of the neck. Seems  the man had his head blown off his body, which could have caused the Grand Jury to indict Horn rather than give him a "no bill" and hero status as they did.

This story is old, but it keeps my attention because comments to these Joe Horn articles keep coming in and I receive email alerts. As one can see, they are overwhelming about the joy so many take in the bloody physical suffering of these men. Note they were not only back but also Hispanic. You can be sure these kind of people who get erections over such carnage never bother to to think of the suffering of these men’s friends and families, or the suffering of anyone for that matter, it is the nature of the Beast.    

The defense these KIND OF PEOPLE offer as defining Horn as a Hero deserving of parades in his honor, are that it is two less leeches "on welfare and food stamps" who are no longer a drag on our society.  And then deny it has anything to to with race. That lie that so permeates our society for we all know damn well that had the men been white Horn would not have shot them. ABSOLUTELY WE KNOW THAT! Both sides KNOW THAT. But one side must like to redeem their sorry nature.

Here is a picture a few days after the fact when hundreds of Harley owners showed up to rev up their engines to drown out a press conference called by local black activists.

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Joe Horn did not attend any of the "JOE HORN THE HERO" parades these KIND OF PEOPLE planned around Houston in the following weeks. In fact this so destroyed Horn’s life, he has moved away and is hiding out sorry as Hell he got himself into this mess.

Neither is this overt racism called what it is by the mainstream media who do not want a national discussion on race. After all, tens of millions of racists buy lots of Ford Pickup trucks, GEICO insurance and Budweiser. [Oh, and who relate very well to a very white woman, in a very white uniform, in a very white room, with very white furniture, a Hog in her garage and a beehive haircut making her seem she just walked off stage with the B-52’s]

Oops, I lost hold of the issue here which was not intended to be racism. But you know, it keeps popping up in so many issues, especially when White-wing tax money is involved. It matters not whether this joy of bloodletting is due to race or poverty, it is disgusting no matter. Really really disgusting.

As the years have passed I find the issues that matter most to me have narrowed to those of war, executions, guns and pit bulls. It is not so much pacifism as it is non violence. After all, violence is the cause of most man made misery upon this Earth. It is best to deter it rather than promote it.

I have my spiritual side which rises up in anger when I find our national brand of Christianity does not step up to the plate in these matters, but rather puts the pedal to the metal. Its disgusting. Really really disgusting. American Christianity pages at Kick!

Americans differ from the rest of the civilized world as our point of view is so locked into our own wingtips, our Adidas, our Tony Llamas and above all our combat boots.

More than any nation – other than the Muslim theocracies – Americans take joy in the violent suffering of others, often ecstatic joy, whether at the point their guns, in our execution chambers, our preemptive wars and even torture which about half of us believe a good idea, the Republican half. The Gunloons on Kick!

Our love for Pit bulls, Rottweiler’s and Hummers also enter into this. The macho fun taken in buying a Hummer to show the world that you could care less about that world yet anyone in it.

The enjoyment Americans take in so much violence sets us apart from not only the civilized world but most of the third world as well. We are the Barbarians at their Gate.

The bottom line here is that enjoying the violence suffered by others we don’t like, makes enjoying the non violent suffering of others an altruistic step up! So much for health care reform…