We and the folks at Funny or Die hope you had a fabulous Pride weekend celebrating marriage equality; now it’s time to commemorate the other side of the coin – divorce equality. Who better to celebrate with, than the only people who are happy about the latter – divorce attorneys. They’re not just happy, they are ecstatic and over the moon with joy! They’ve been pulling for you equal marriage rights fans!
No one represents equality minded divorce attorneys better than John Cage, Gay Divorce Lawyer. He knows how hard you fought for marriage equality, and you have no idea how hard you’ll have to fight to keep the person you’ve committed to from getting absolutely nothing in the divorce! Sure, it sounds cynical until you are squabbling over who gets the GOOD toenail clippers or the Lululemon yoga mat.
“When the honeymoon is over and joy turns to mind-numbing sorrow, call this number.” John Gage