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John Cleese of Monty Python on humor, religion & stoning, parrot sketch.

To be fair, Cleese of Monty Python does carefully consider futile questions tweeted to him, which is a relief; one almost expects him to fall back into his Faulty Towers character.

One interesting bit is from a pastor whom I assume is speaking of the stoning scene in "Life of Brian." The pastor wrote, "I thought this movie was not only hilarious but this particular clip highlights what can happen when people take religion too literally, all religious leaders should watch it!" An interesting comment from Cleese follows about the intelligent founders of religion, who spoke in metaphor, and some latter day dullards by comparison, who take each and every word literally.

Fox ‘News,’ Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck do not slip by without collecting their due share of criticism.

RJ Adds: OMG! John Cleese found the answer to all our problems! Stupid people are too stupid to know how stupid they are!