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Jon Stewart Bachmann, Cain and Gingrich play to the nutcake Iowa Base

This gang of three Republican contenders are the ones who cannot win…

"We must expect the Soviet system to survive for a very long time. There will be Soviet labor camps and Soviet torture chambers well into our grandchildren’s lives." Three years before the fall of the Soviet Union Newt Gingrich shows his prophetic grasp of the future.

There is nothing new to Newt Gingrich, he is still the same wrong
headed, lying, egoistical megalomaniac who has spent the major part of
his life in the act of adultery. With the sense of humor of an

Michele Bachmann is our new replacement for Sarah Palin. Though she takes the airhead crown more purposefully rather than mistakenly. And though she appeals to Hillbillies, unlike the Palin family, she is not one herself.

And of course the new Republican Negro on the block, Hermann Cain. Once CEO of Godfather’s Pizza and recent Right-wing Radio host he has replaced the perennial Right-wing Black Presidential Candidate Alan Keyes. Who was also equally capable of getting as much as 4% of the Black vote and about 96% of the overt racist vote.  

"Stupid people are running America!" Hermann Cain March 23, 2011

So far that has become Cain’s most infamous quote which was made in front of a few hundred of Iowa’s stupidest pig farmers last Saturday to describe Constitutional Law Professor and President Obama. Which is the real call to arms for the GOP, smart people are stupid and they don’t vote for us!