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Jon Stewart calls DIck the Dick Cheney a psychopath

Do not judge lest ye be judged! For Let the man who has not shoved a tube of pureed Hummus up a man’s arse cast the first stone.

dick cheney psychopathAll Bush Administration Attorney Generals have said waterboarding et al is legal and is not torture! What a surprise. Proving once again that torture is not an American thing but rather a Republican thing. Advocating, promoting and defending torture. Wow… What is it Republicans would have to do to lose that Dairy Queen vote?

“I am more concerned with the bad guys who got out and released than I am about the few who in fact were innocent.” Dick the Dick Cheney.

This is another example of the character of Republicans. It is why Republicans will never agree to end the death penalty in America. It’s all pretty basic stuff. Don’t torture / execute me, do it to that other guy behind the tree.

Now add to torture and executions the guns, slapping children around, shooting unarmed black men, preemptive wars and the mainstay of Republican politics, taking from the poor to give to the wealthy and you would think they would shut the fk up. Being under the eyes of God and history and all.

But no, they are loud and proud shouting it from the rooftops of AM radio, from Fox News, the Drudge Report, Max News, the Washington Times, the Weekly Standard, the Well of congress and even from the office of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.

There is almost as much money in making a wholes feel good about themselves as there is in making people believe they will never die.

“You don’t get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion.” Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard