Remember Lou Dobbs? Who was fired from CNN a few years ago for being the bigoted anti-immigration and Mexico hater he is? This is the gist of the problem. Fox News viewers will accept anything these liars tell them. While Democrats and liberals will question what we find wrong with our side. I suppose that all comes from conservative (rural) lives accepting the unbelievable from the get-go. Faith replaces reason.
I stopped watching CNN because of this a whole for a few years and never went back. It’s just so boring and Wolf is such a putz. I suppose if Romney wins and we have another big war I will tune in, they are the best at war.
The main difference between Fox News and MSNBC is the former dwells in popular lies while the later deals in unpopular truths. Watch the Al Sharpton Show for an hour. Everything he says is true which even Democrats shy away from hearing. Also, MSNBC’s most popular show is MORNIN’ JOE which stars and is controlled by Republican Joe Scarborough who is from the most extreme right-wing area in America, the Florida Panhandle. Where they still have no dentists or shoe stores.
I recently took a little vacation to the Redneck Rivera. The drive from the airport in Panama City to Destin was about 60 miles or so. I expected to see many many billboards of aborted fetuses and such. But surprisingly, I did not see any, instead the billboards that permeated the landscape were DON’T DRIVE DRUNK. So many such billboards one wondered if anyone in that stretch of road is ever sober.