“If I would have to it all again, I would. The results speak for themselves.” Dick Cheney on his policy of torture when Vice President.
Of course Senate investigation into torture specifically found that the process gained nothing other than giving American another exceptional black eye to the rest of the world. But hey, who cares what the rest of the world thinks.
We also learn from Dick Cheney that drowning people and then pulling them up before they die is not torture. It is just what Republicans do I guess. Has Frank Luntz given that a soundbite yet?
The Republican Brand of guns, torture, religious intolerance, war, ethnic and racial bigotry and that overwhelming callous disregard for others is a beautiful thing. We just need more of it. Which come 2015 we are going to get more of than we ever have before. Which hopefully will turn the tide for 2016 and beyond. What we need most is one Republican to leave the Supreme Court. Perhaps little Antonin Scalia will keep getting rounder until he is as wide as he is tall and just roll away.