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Jon Stewart: Michele Bachmann, Joe McCarthy’s Christian Ho

This issue has been going on for a week  and it took a fake news show to let us know that the accused woman terrorist in question is Anthony Weiner’s wife, Huma Abedin. Why is that?  The mainstream media is in hide under their beds fear of the Republican Base. Who are the very ones that Michele Bachmann and company are playing this McCarthyism for. And company… I do not want to miss getting their names into the search engines along with BACHMANN, REPUBLICAN and MCCARTHYISM.

Trent Franks [ bachmann McCarthyism republican ] ArizonaLouie Gohmert [ Bachmann McCarthyism republican ] TexasThomas Rooney [ Bachmann McCarthyism republican ] FloridaLynn Westmoreland [ Bachmann McCarthyism republican ] Georgia

Trent Franks [ bachmann McCarthyism republican ] Arizona
Louie Gohmert [ Bachmann McCarthyism republican ] Texas
Thomas Rooney [ Bachmann McCarthyism republican ] Florida
Lynn Westmoreland [ Bachmann McCarthyism republican ] Georgia

You will also find that these four miscreants are also four of the most CHRISTIAN in the House of Representatives.