Ted Cruz will be running for President in the Republican Primaries along with Rand Paul. This in the GOP effort to make sure the 2016 Republican Primaries are not full of clowns like the GOP primaries that did them so much damage in 2012
I watched some constitutional scholars discussing whether Ted Cruz being born in Canada by an American mother makes him ineligible to become President. The universal consensus is no, he can become president. So hold on to your hats, the reincarnation of Tail Gunner Joe McCarthy is on his way to the White House.
Also a reminder that Rick Santorum now works for WorldNetDaily. WND.COM is the top organization and website for Right-wing conspiracies, Taliban inspired Religious fundamentalism, and an over the top seething hatred of President Obama. Which makes Santorum the obvious representative of the Christian Right in the Republican Primaries for 2016. I expect a few more clowns to round out the primaries as all the smart Republicans know they have no chance in Hell of beating Hilary.
To the topic at hand, of course the NRA leads the battle in our cultural war. Oh sure government can pass laws to defer bigotry, racism, religious intolerance and violence, but having a crapload of guns means the culture of bigotry, racism, religious intolerance and violence as the high moral ground of the Republican Base cannot be infringed.
Don’t mess with Jesus, he is armed and will kill you, and like every gun enthusiast, he will enjoy it immensely.