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Jon Stewart on Dumbass Dancing Tom DeLay quitting

Something seems to have happened at the Daily Show since their month long Summer vacation. This is yet another example along with the rants against Obama, Pelosi and ACORN. Though Tom DeLay is shown as a dancing clown in this clip it does not show the large Republican elephant logo sewn on the back of his silly barbershop quartet. It should have been the center in this video.

He ran away from the dance just as he ran away from congress. Being my very own representative for so long I was dazed and confused when he left Congress knowing he would lose his seat even here in Dumbutt, Texas. For so many years it was so easy to name the most disgusting right-wing loon in Congress ever since Newt Gingrich and Dick Armey left. Now without DeLay hammering the lobbies for money for his vote he is making a fool of himself on TV, which leaves me in a quandary as to who now is our top elected nutcake? Congresswoman Michele Bachmann? Senator Dan Inofe? Joe Wilson?