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Jon Stewart: Paul Ryan Liar Liar pants on fire

If you have noticed, there are never any specifics on who this team of pretty boys are going to CHANGE THAT. When they do try dealing if facts, fact checkers say its crap.  Besides there is not CHANGE involved here. It is fully and expressly and absolutely going back to what got us into the greatest recession in American History, tax cuts for the wealthy and deregulation. Their theme is based on GOING BACK, TAKING IT BACK, MOVING BACK, RESTORING THE PAST… Come on.  Lean Backwards is the answer?

One thing I am surprised the Democrats don’t push is that our last economic collapse, also caused by Republican deregulation took FDR 11 years to fix. And then only because of a war. So President Obama has 6 more years to work on this.

paul ryan liar liar pants on fire