This video by Jon Stewart is perhaps the best video synopsis of who the GOP are and what they represent. This video, with the Grimm and NY1 parts removed if possible, should be on the front page of every website not beholding to Republicans for the 30 days before the 2014 elections.
Everything about the GOP drips of lies and gaming democracy. Sure they flip the words Freedom and Liberty about while they deny both to pregnant women, gays, and minority voters but you will seldom if ever hear them use the term “democracy.”
“The only problem with their “we just wanna work with him” is that it’s total bullsht. It’s bullsht. Premium Grade A grass-fed free-range bullsht. (wild audience cheering and applause) Collected and packaged by hand. No, hear me out! It is bullsht collected and packaged by hand from the polished anuses of award-winning Texas longhorns that have been bred for peristaltic perfection so that each individual dookie meets the exacting standards of the American Bullcrap Association!” Jon Stewart on Republican response to the 2013 State of the Union Address.